
Chickadees are easily identified by their namesake call, “Chickadee-dee-dee.” They use this call in a variety of ways, including warning of predators. A report in Science indicated that Chickadees have a very sophisticated signaling system. A study at the University...

Juncos: Reliable Winter Visitors

Dark-eyed Juncos are often called Snowbirds, and many people believe their return from northern breeding grounds foretells winter’s cold, snowy weather. Even its white belly plumage and slate-colored back reminds one of a winter scene with its leaden sky above and...
Owls-Creatures of the Night

Owls-Creatures of the Night

That owls are “wise” may be a myth, unless you define “wise” as being accomplished in night hunting. With their hooked bills and sharp talons, they are similar to other birds that hunt, such as hawks and eagles, but there are striking differences that make owls the...