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The Cause
What will Inga Stryker sacrifice to win the vote for women? College professor, Inga Stryker, is zealous about winning the right to vote for women. When her controversial 1897 article costs her the teaching position she loves, she moves to Wyoming. In the first state where women can vote, Inga pursues her career as a professor and her passion for writing. C.J. Wakefield, editor of a Philadelphia-based monthly magazine, is impressed with the articles she submits and she becomes a regular contributor. Her writing prowess develops, and so does their mutual attraction. Inga faces difficult choices when the needs of those she loves collide with the demands of the cause to which she has dedicated herself.
Jess Holden strode to Inga Stryker and planted himself directly in front of her. “Why won’t you let me court you?”
She met his gaze. “For the hundredth time, because I want to concentrate on my career.”
“But we’re twenty-one years old.” He lifted a hand to her shoulder. “By the time our mothers were our age, they were both married and had children of their own.”
She took a step backward. “I’m still twenty, and I worked very hard for my master’s degree. I want to use it.”
He raised his eyebrows. “I know. You skipped three grades in school, so you’re smart enough for raising a family and to help our mothers in their produce business. My father told me I can live on the old Ringe place when I marry. We could build a house just the way you want it.”
Inga propped her hands on her hips. “I’m not interested in running a produce business. I want to teach. I want to write. My adult life is just beginning, and I don’t want to be tied down by a husband and babies, especially a husband who does not support woman suffrage.”
He narrowed his eyes. “You’ll never find a husband worth his salt who does.”
She took another step backward.
“I don’t need to find a husband because I’m not looking for one.” She fought to keep her voice quiet. “I plan on having a fulfilling life without a man.”